[Atwood's Law]

This was inevitable I guess, but does anyone know if there's a decent Pandas equivalent for Javascript? I'd love to be able to handle reasonably large datasets in Javascript as easily as I can in Python.

Not sure this exactly helps you with your question, but check out Observable Notebooks (https://beta.observablehq.com/). It's by Mike Bostock who wrote D3 (which people use to handle large data sets frequently).

A quick search brought me here(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30610675/python-pandas-e...) and here (https://stratodem.github.io/pandas.js-docs/#introduction)— not sure pandas-js is maintained any longer, though.

edit: In that SO question, there's a pointer to Apache Arrow which appears to be maintained more regularly, with types—and library support for multiple languages. Never used it, myself, though.
