What does HackerNews think of Ambient?

The multiplayer game engine

Language: Rust

#3 in 3D
#11 in Game engine
#113 in Rust
Hi, this is Kuba from Ambient team, I work on Ambient backend.

The servers in question are part of the main Ambient application [0]. The server part is open-source just like the rest of the engine. You can start your own server using native build of Ambient (check cli help for `ambient serve`).

As for the orchestration and creating servers on demand, we are using Kubernetes and Agones [1]. Both of them are open too. We just have a thin API server that receives requests that a server is needed, checks if there's already one running and if not it uses Agones to allocate one.

[0]: https://github.com/AmbientRun/Ambient

[1]: https://agones.dev/

Intriguing development! It's quite refreshing to witness Bevy hopping onto the WebGPU bandwagon. I can't help but wonder about the complexity involved in transitioning an existing codebase from WebGL to WebGPU in such a compressed timeline.

On a similar note, Ambient (https://github.com/AmbientRun/Ambient) has been on my radar for their utilization of WebGPU, though they seemingly lack a tangible web demo. Anyone have any insights or comparisons to share?

G'day, HN!

We're happy to announce Ambient 0.2. For those joining us for the first time, Ambient is an open-source runtime for building high-performance multiplayer games and 3D applications powered by WebAssembly, Rust and WebGPU. Projects consist of assets and logic built around the currently Rust-only Ambient API, and these projects can be loaded by any compatible runtime running on any platform.

This release adds a few major features we're really excited about:

- We now have basic support for playing sounds.

- WASM can now be run on the client, in addition to the server.

- Servers are automatically proxied by the Ambient Proxy, allowing anyone with the URL to connect.

- Finally, our UI framework, Ambient UI, can now be used from guest code. Combined with our networking and ECS, this unlocks an exciting new capability: multiplayer UI!

In the blog post, we walk through the creation of a basic multiplayer beat sequencer using these features. We're excited to see what else the community can cook up :)

Download: https://github.com/AmbientRun/Ambient/releases/tag/v0.2.0

GitHub: https://github.com/AmbientRun/Ambient