Regarding how the multiplayer works:

> Backend servers will be created on-demand to host your game, and will be automatically shut down when no one is playing. This means that you don't need to worry about getting and managing servers for your game; that's all handled by us.

This is a bit jarring to me. Because everything else about your platform is extremely open. Open web technologies. But then the server management is closed. I'm sure this is just the best way to do it for now, but for some reason I was hoping for something that would better match the ethos of the rest of the technology, idk...

Maybe I was expecting WebAssembly to run a server from my browser?

Hi, this is Kuba from Ambient team, I work on Ambient backend.

The servers in question are part of the main Ambient application [0]. The server part is open-source just like the rest of the engine. You can start your own server using native build of Ambient (check cli help for `ambient serve`).

As for the orchestration and creating servers on demand, we are using Kubernetes and Agones [1]. Both of them are open too. We just have a thin API server that receives requests that a server is needed, checks if there's already one running and if not it uses Agones to allocate one.

