What does HackerNews think of integresql?

IntegreSQL manages isolated PostgreSQL databases for your integration tests.

Language: Go

#84 in Go
#76 in Go
#30 in PostgreSQL
#50 in PostgreSQL
#12 in Server
Happy to hear that! When it comes to testing services that depend on PostgreSQL, this is still my preferred solution.


disclaimer: author

Not so crazy, it's very feasible to roll it yourself! Postgres has a "copy database" feature that's very useful (`CREATE DATABASE xxx WITH TEMPLATE yyy`).

I saw a project on HN a while ago focused on "managing isolated PostgreSQL databases for your integration tests", never used it but looks like a good idea: https://github.com/allaboutapps/integresql

I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but IntegreSQL[0] looks like this on steroids. It allows you to create a template (run migrations and seed data), and then uses Postgres's built in cloning functionality to maintain a pool of fresh databases. They claim 500ms to clone a database without the pool, and that the pool pretty much hides the latency entirely.

[0]: https://github.com/allaboutapps/integresql

Great points! Any hints regarding preexisting linters for go code that errors if we execute outside (an already opened) db transaction?

Also, regarding writing tests against real PostgreSQL databases, isolated per test and without losing speed, I can recommend to take a look at https://github.com/allaboutapps/integresql - disclaimer, we are the authors.

We are using PostgreSQL templates to speed up our integration tests. This allow us to have full blown (and non mocked) databases which are isolated to each parallel running test.

We have recently open-sourced our core-server managing this (go): https://github.com/allaboutapps/integresql

Projects already utilizing Go and PostgreSQL may easily adapt this concept for their testing via https://github.com/allaboutapps/integresql-client-go