Sounds like this specific e2e suite was poorly optimized and was killed instead of rewritten/optimized due to a perceived notion that inefficiences are inherent in all e2e suites. If you maintain speed and strict curation of such a suite, most of the bullet points against are not an issue.

Also it sounds like the solution is just a bit higher than limited integration testing which does have value of course. Sounds trite, but if you don't test end-to-end you aren't going to catch bugs that only appear end-to-end (which also happen to be the ones customers see making the e2e suite a decent place for high level regressions assuming you maintain test performance of course). This is especially true in environment-specific scenarios.

I'm not sure that the idea of e2e being relatively inefficient is just "perceived".

E2E tests in all orgs I worked at have always been the slowest and flakiest part, especially when simulating UI work and when working with systems that go beyond a handful of services.

I have seen efficient e2e suites, often built by and having a BDFL who had the same experiences as you. They have enforced best practices like "no sleeps", "no time-based tests", "every test must be concurrent and isolated", "refactor liberally", "bootstrap/share expensively allocated resources", etc.

I don't know how to say it humbly, but the biggest problem I've witnessed in slow e2e suites is that they are considered second-class pieces of software and only get the attention of QA engineers or developers who are not applying the same level of effort as their runtime code.

How do you run tests in parallel if part of the logic you are testing is a sql statement?

Do you just test them separately? For example, mock out the db when testing the app and then sequentially test the db to make sure the sql statement works as expected. However, this explicitly doesn't test the integration.

As one example, Django handles test parallelism by creating N test databases (on the single test database server) and dividing tests into N runners.

You could also have multiple Docker containers running DBs.

Thank you! That's so crazy!

Not so crazy, it's very feasible to roll it yourself! Postgres has a "copy database" feature that's very useful (`CREATE DATABASE xxx WITH TEMPLATE yyy`).

I saw a project on HN a while ago focused on "managing isolated PostgreSQL databases for your integration tests", never used it but looks like a good idea: