What does HackerNews think of aws-vault?
A vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials in development environments
- About 5, https://github.com/99designs/aws-vault is super handy to keep AWS credentials encrypted.
- Use full-disk encryption as a team policy.
- About 7, it is likely that this is solved by having preview environments so that developers don't need to manage infrastructure manually.
- About 8, 1password shared vault works nicely for us.
You use aws-vault(https://github.com/99designs/aws-vault) and configure it with IAM and MFA with YubiKeys. You configure e.g. the profile jonsmith.
When you run
aws-vault exec jonsmith -- aws s3 ls
it will ask you, e.g. every hour to confirm with YubiKeys and cache the key for one hour. After that the temporary keys expire. Can you also store keys different from AWS?
I came to recommend aws-vault, it is pretty handy to not store aws keys in plain text.