I'm not sure the description is what actually happened. It doesn't have the ring of truth to it.

That said, LastPass is not deserving of any trust as a password product of any kind. That a password was captured by a keylogger on a Dev Ops home computer shows that they don't understand how to secure remote computers, the meaning of defense in depth, the importance of proper login authentication, or how to secure data at rest. Each of these points are close to the core of their business.

I don't wish them ill. I hope they recover from this, but they need to understand security to produce a security product.

Yeah, because the description is inadequate. Is this BYOD? (… seems like not the employee's fault.) Is this the employee used the same password on the laptop and home, got credential stuffed, and LastPass isn't using MFA¹? (…seems like not the employee's fault.) Was there some jump from compromised home laptop to corp laptop? (The network is never to be trusted. …seems like not the employee's fault.)

The buck is supposed to stop at security, not at each employee's personal hygiene … if your game plan depends on the latter, it's game over.

There's more here than is being written, and I can only imagine because the truth probably stinks.

¹except TFA mentions MFA … but the mention of it doesn't really make sense.

I expect the amount of companies that would get fucking owned by simply managing to execute

cat ~/.aws/* |

On a devops/senior dev machine is colossal.

What I want is a secure shell (somehow) where my env variables are encrypted and on access I get a prompt to either use a fingerprint reader or a password to unlock them for the process.

Anyone know of any such option? What I've come to use are separate env files that I source in various directories before running the commands that need crednetials, or a tool that decrypts a file, loads it into an subprocesses env vars and runs a program (something like mozilla/sops), but I still find that too cumbersome, I'd like it transparent and integrated with my shell.

aws-vault[0] does this, but only for aws creds

0 - https://github.com/99designs/aws-vault