What does HackerNews think of embedded-postgres-binaries?

Lightweight bundles of PostgreSQL binaries with reduced size intended for testing purposes.

Language: Shell

#30 in PostgreSQL
#50 in PostgreSQL
Pretty sure they are talking about https://github.com/zonkyio/embedded-postgres-binaries. It's not exactly embedded postgresql since it still runs the full postgresql in a separate process but it is close enough for most purposes.
Nice, this seems a lot simpler than I thought. Nice tip on embedded-postgres-binaries (https://github.com/zonkyio/embedded-postgres-binaries).
Steampipe [1] is an open source CLI to query cloud APIs (e.g. AWS, GitHub, Kubernetes) with SQL. It uses an embedded Postgres instance internally and is built with Foreign Data Wrappers.

We install and leverage the Zonky Embedded Postgres Binaries [2] which are normally used for test suites. They have been great for us.

It's amazing how fast and light Postgres runs for these use cases!

1 - https://steampipe.io 2 - https://github.com/zonkyio/embedded-postgres-binaries