What does HackerNews think of lips?

Lisp Iwesome Preprocessor System

Language: Common Lisp

Seems similar in spirit to Lips, a pre-processor which can evaluate Lisp and splice it into the output (Common Lisp https://github.com/zc1036/lips or Scheme https://github.com/rbryan/guile-lips )
I think the closest "standard" tool for this is m4, which doesn't seem powerful enough for most applications.

Lips seems similar, but for Lisp/Scheme (e.g. https://github.com/zc1036/lips https://github.com/rbryan/guile-lips )

Reminds me of lips ( https://github.com/zc1036/lips and https://github.com/rbryan/guile-lips ).

Cog looks a little over-the-top for my purposes, but still looks saner than M4 ;)

Here's the original lips on which this is based: https://github.com/zc1036/lips

Maybe I'll use this to hack generics into Go …

If you'd prefer common lisp you should check out the project that inspired mine: https://github.com/zc1036/lips