What does HackerNews think of yt-dlp?
A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes
Have you done this?
Meanwhile, for a less "ad-full" youtube experience, try yt-dlp: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
You mean this yt-dlp that isn't on there? https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
That script also does more than just Online KMS activation, which would be clear from a few seconds skimming.
There's also been no indication that any of these repos would get taken down. At all. py-kms has been there since 2017. You'd think if Microsoft had such a big problem with its existence, it'd have gotten pulled in the last 6 years.
Use https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp to grab what you need before the account is nuked.
Yes. Don't use YouTube.
Or if you feel you must, download (via yt-dlp[0] or similar) videos and watch them offline.
And never see another youtube ad (other than ads the creators directly include as part of the video stream itself).
As I understand it, yt-dlp is considerably faster.
a-Shell supports Apple Shortcuts, so you could, for example, make a shortcut that runs ‘ yt-dlp -x -f bestaudio -o "% (playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" ’, which downloads a playlist and maintains the order (e.g 1, 2, 3 and so on).
On a side note, a-Shell can help you get around tethering limits using iOS-SOCKS-Server (3) or an equivalent. On Android, PDANet is great for this, but on iOS it takes a little more work.
1: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
It's neither wrong nor illegal to download someone's video and edit it. It's explicitly allowed in many jurisdictions under fair use. However, OP seems to accept complaint's framing.
Speaking of youtube-dl, there's an excellent fork, yt-dlp[1], which circumvents the newer speed limiting features YouTube implemented. (From what I gather, they use APIs for older devices.)
yt-dlp[1] allows you to download videos to disk via command line. Lots of options.
Also, there's this Google-owned youtube-nocookie.com domain which is lighter than main one. DuckDuckGo offers to show YouTube videos from it under the "Videos" tab (not when video is suggested on the "All" tab) without fully switching browser to video's page on YT site.
Also, you can use it to listen to YT audio on iOS Safari, on an locked iPhone. To do so, search the video in DDG, switch to "Videos" tab, play it on duckduckgo.com on the results page (without switching to www.youtube.com). Lock your phone and it will stop playing audio. Tap the screen (don't unlock) and you'll have the usual media player on the lock screen, showing the title and author of YT video. Simply hit the play button and you can switch the screen off.
EDIT: reply to a freshly deleted "don't use if you don't pay" comment:
I own a BluRay or DVD copy of every single movie or TV series I pirated and liked. I paid studios times more than I would if I never pirated and seen those products in the first place.
After Google bought YouTube, other media streaming services started to diminish. Some content started to be only available on YouTube. Until Google was a team player and the "don't be evil" slogan wasn't trashed - I used the service and seen and was annoyed by ads. Then there were more ads. And many, many, many, many other issues with Google.
I ditched the account I had with them. Haven't made a single search with their engine in 3+ years I believe.
I use yt-dlp to watch YT videos and encourage everyone to do the same if they are annoyed by Google's user-hostile practices.
wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites --no-parent https://site-to-download.com
For videos, youtube-dl or its successor, yt-dlp[2] work well.My largest use cases were watching DJ sets, music videos, stand up comedians, instructional videos, and life of (random career) videos
Music videos have multiple ads before and after now. The music videos are still watchable but it sucks to put youtube on at a party now.
Life of videos from channels worth watching have started to turn off ads in place of putting in their own sponsored content. Annoying but similar to TV commercials of the past and are always skippable.
But they have started destroying all of the other content I enjoyed. Instructional videos are overly long with the interrupting ads to the point of questioning whether the visual information with more time but easier understanding vs the extra reading becomes a serious contemplation.
But comedies and extended DJ sets are unwatchable. The ML "predicts" natural breaks in language to insert ads into. When it comes to comedies its usually right before the punch line/the laughing, but the developers do not care at all that after the commercial ends and are resuming a second or two after the punch line. Not only is the timing ruined but you often miss the joke entirely. They have not figured out what to do with DJ sets so they just randomly interrupt in the middle of songs. I had ad breaks 3 times within 10 minutes of a 60 minute set today before I switched to AirPlaying my computer with AdNauseum installed.
Anything I think I might want to watch ever again is immediately added to a playlist for yt-dlp. It makes the content watchable again and protects against channels that will delete content so they can add it back later for increased later views or because of fake DMCA takedowns.