What does HackerNews think of inferno-rpi?
This is compilation of Labs “Porting Inferno OS to Raspberry Pi”. We decided to organize it as some set of small labs with very detailed steps of what is done to reach results and make everything easy to reproduce.
I've run Plan9 in the paste on Raspberry Pi and found it to be a neat experience. Inferno I've only run under Windows, and which seemed kind of pointless.
So, did you consider Lisp or maybe Smalltalk? Plan 9 or Inferno might also be options.
Plan 9 comes in different variants, the "classic" one (with a Raspberry Pi port by Richard Miller) or 9front, an Inferno porting tutorial can be found at https://github.com/yshurik/inferno-rpi
Lisp and Smalltalk can run with or without Linux underneath, e.g. on the Raspberry Pi.
Bare-metal Lisp is available with interim: http://interim-os.com
Finally, bare-metal Smalltalk is available in my crosstalk system: https://github.com/michaelengel/crosstalk
Of course, Lisp and Smalltalk can also run hosted under Linux, e.g. using Squeak (https://squeak.org), Pharo (https://pharo.org) or InterLisp (https://github.com/Interlisp/medley).
Or - a crazy idea - build an emacs-only machine. That would be fun! :)
Some Inferno related stuff:
- Limbo by Example: https://github.com/henesy/limbobyexample
- The Inferno Shell: http://debu.gs/entries/inferno-part-1-shell
- Try Inferno in the browser: http://tryinferno.rekka.io/
- Cat-v Inferno resources: http://doc.cat-v.org/inferno
- Experiments in Inferno/Limbo: https://github.com/caerwynj/inferno-lab/
- Inferno Programming with Limbo: https://web.archive.org/web/20160304092801/http://www.gemuse... (also on cat-v)
- Developing Limbo modules in C: https://powerman.name/doc/Inferno/c_module_en
- Simple FS example in Limbo: https://github.com/henesy/simplefs-limbo
- Inferno client for Redis: https://github.com/pete/iredis
- Inferno for Nintendo DS: https://bitbucket.org/mjl/inferno-ds/src/default/
- Inferno as an Android app: https://github.com/bhgv/Inferno-OS_Android
- Inferno replacing Android (hellaphone): https://bitbucket.org/floren/inferno/wiki/Home
- Porting Inferno to Raspberry Pi: https://github.com/yshurik/inferno-rpi