What does HackerNews think of gixy?

Nginx configuration static analyzer

Language: Python

Use this static analyzer to check for such mistakes: https://github.com/yandex/gixy
Nginx requires too much configuration. It is very brittle if you do not have a full time DevOps person monitoring things. E.g. for production web apps, take a look at the amount of tooling that has been developed to manage Nginx:



This is not a criticism of Nginx per se, it comes from a time when Apache is the only other alternative and end-user UX is hardly priority. An analogy would be systemd and pm2, pm2 have few advantages over systemd on paper but in practice it has a much more pleasant UX and saner defaults even though it requires a separate installation on most servers while systemd is available by default. It is the difference between Heroku and AWS. For the 99th percentile of efficiency Nginx still beats Traefik and Caddy, but sometimes scaling servers is cheaper than hiring DevOps staff.