What does HackerNews think of figlet-fonts?
my collection of figlet / toilet ascii art fonts
If you install the figlet (or toilet) tool and clone that font repo you can do a :
figlet -d ./figlet-fonts -f Banner3-D My text
###::'###:. ##:'##:::::... ##..:: ##.....::. ##::'##::... ##..::
####'####::. ####::::::::: ##:::: ##::::::::. ##'##:::::: ##::::
## ### ##:::. ##:::::::::: ##:::: ######:::::. ###::::::: ##::::
##. #: ##:::: ##:::::::::: ##:::: ##...:::::: ## ##:::::: ##::::
##:.:: ##:::: ##:::::::::: ##:::: ##:::::::: ##:. ##::::: ##::::
##:::: ##:::: ##:::::::::: ##:::: ########: ##:::. ##:::: ##::::
Toilet also has colour effects and can output in different formats: toilet -E list
Available export formats:
"caca": native libcaca format
"ansi": ANSI
"utf8": UTF-8 with ANSI escape codes
"utf8cr": UTF-8 with ANSI escape codes and MS-DOS \r
"html": HTML
"html3": backwards-compatible HTML
"bbfr": BBCode (French)
"irc": IRC with mIRC colours
"ps": PostScript document
"svg": SVG vector image
"tga": TGA image
"troff": troff source
Cool!Edit: added image formats
- Select everything that is a color im sure there are more clever open-ended questions and maybe sometimes switch up "is" with "is not".
- Red
- Blue
- Monkey
- Violet
- Armchair
People say that bots can learn such things but if every site had their own in-house tool then bots would have to keep track of thousands of site specific puzzles. Each site could even rotate through a dozen sets of different puzzle types and pause the ones that get learned. This would avoid sending cookies to a third party or depending on 3rd party code thus mitigating some corporate capture.
Bonus complexity: Don't use Alpha-Numeric characters. Use something like "figlet" [1] and cycle through a few of its ASCII art fonts.
- http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/toilet : a figlet with vitamints
- https://github.com/xero/figlet-fonts : more fonts for figlet and toilet.
Get it here: https://github.com/xero/figlet-fonts