What does HackerNews think of Eve?

Better tools for thought

Language: TypeScript

#21 in Database
#7 in Python
From what I can tell, this language builds on the learnings of Eve[1] without any investor money (Eve ran out of funding[2]). The state of the project is questionable, as can be seen by the dates on this page. Their active repository seems to be on GitLab[3] despite the links on the landing and in the README. It doesn't look like it has a lot of contributors or even people observing it, so I thought the HN crowd might want to look into this. I tried to find a Discord server or something like that, but it looks like they just communicate over email, so I have no clue as to what use they're making of their potential community involvement.

[1] https://github.com/witheve/Eve

[2] https://groups.google.com/g/eve-talk/c/YFguOGkNrBo

[3] https://gitlab.com/mech-lang/mech

I helped build a language like this called Eve: https://github.com/witheve/Eve

It's defunct now, but it was indeed a Turing-complete SQL (but actually relational) with Prolog-like syntax and set semantics. We supported persisting data, and indeed you could think of it as programming within a database. Even though it's not worked on anymore, the last version in the repo worked pretty well IMO. I built a Spotify clone, and even a robot in the language. If you're interested in these ideas, you should give it a shot! Hopefully someone will pick up these ideas and run with them even further.

It's a pretty mind-bending experience to program this way, and I promise you'll have a new perspective on programming as a practice once you grok it (that was common feedback from our users).

Missing context: this is https://github.com/witheve/Eve, not the game EVE Online or the Python REST framework.
I didn't even realize Eve has a public release (as of a few months ago).


And there's a blog post describing the features of version 0.


They can all pretty much be reduced to a skin on top of an abstract syntax tree, since that's all they really are.

Circuit-based skins work well in the right context. Do a Google Image search for "unreal blueprints" to see many examples of them in use. Blueprints visual scripting probably powers the high-level logic in a video game you or someone you know has enjoyed.

The other popular approach is fill-in-the-blanks, a visualization that looks more like a tree than a graph. The first good version of this I saw was the Warcraft 3 scripting system. It inspired the visual scripting system we built for Tribes, SWAT, and the first Bioshock back in the day.

You can also follow Eve for some modern experiments along these lines: https://github.com/witheve/Eve