Not a complete replacement, but very cool and related:
This sounds a lot lke like minikanren ( where you give test cases and Idris2 ( where you give type constraints as a tool for building programs.
If you're interested in the work that led to this, definitely check out Kenichi Asai's reflective languages. The code for his Black language with reflective semantics is reproduced here: [0]
More tangential but also cool: this talk[1] by William Byrd mentions reflective towers, but jumps into a discussion of what he terms "relational programming". It's a demo of his Barliman Smart editor system: [2]
You could look at this as "CPUs are cheap, of course we can afford to leave them idle." But a more interesting angle is, "For one programmer's hourly cost, you could run 4000 CPU cores continuously. Can there really be no practical way to apply thousands of cores to boosting the programmer's productivity? What are we missing?"
For instance, couldn't develop into something that makes computing worth spending on at that level?
They probably code using Barliman[1] ;-)