> There are lighter-weight shadow dom frameworks out there (than Vue/React/Angular) so why would you want to write one yourself?
You can even avoid a shadow DOM or vDOM entirely and differentially render using the DOM itself:
The JS framework benchmark shows these two are among the top performers.
In my projects I use cycle.js/snabbdom and I'm already following many suggestion of the article (es. form data).
My next goal would be to discard snabbdom (and virtualdom) and use custom elements. For that I'm evaluating a library like https://github.com/WebReflection/uhtml and all it's ecosystem of utility
A tiny dom lib like https://github.com/WebReflection/uhtml is more than enough for very complicated UI, with understanding how events work, will be able to implement very thin state management on top. With game programming styled manual render() call here and there as needed, pretty neat.