What does HackerNews think of ui?

A cross-platform UI library written in V

Language: V

What I find interesting is the cross platform UI from V which also compiles for Android: https://github.com/vlang/ui

It does seem to be still in its very early stages but if they are able to make this a more mature library, it may actually be quite useful for tiny, fast apps.

I've had my eye on this language for a couple months; in particular, V UI subproject, a SwiftUI-like code-first framework for doing GUIs, caught my eye, since I rather like SwiftUI and I still need to make a human-friendly KyuWeb client for the server to be of any use. Unfortunately V UI doesn't seem to have progressed much since I last had a look on it. Here's hoping it gets the attention it deserves, because from what I've researched of GTK, it looks about as fun as a kidney stone to use, and having a modern low-level language with a closely-integrated, cross-platform modern GUI framework could really put V above the rest (SwiftUI does not have first-class support outside of Apple platforms currently).


(I'd also like to see first-class support for the BSDs, but I know better than to hold my breath on that one.)

https://github.com/vlang/ui also seems promising and more targeted to devs who're more comfortable with go lang
Been toying with vlang for a while now and may well use it in my next side-project - honestly feel to me like the modern C I could have dreamt up. Especially when the standard cross-platform UI (https://github.com/vlang/ui) comes of age it will have serious advantage on most other languages I know of.