What does HackerNews think of languages-that-compile-to-python?

List of languages that compile to python

The realities of the browser platform have indeed created a unique environment where many nice languages have appeared that compile to JS. Besides TypeScript there's Elm, ReasonML, ClojureScript, and many more.

There are a some competing languages for the Python runtime as well: https://github.com/vindarel/languages-that-compile-to-python

List of languages that compile to python:


This change is almost guaranteed to break most of these.

> Over complicating a language with rarely-used features can definitely create problems.


There's a number of (full) languages that compile to the Python AST [0] (I'm especially fond of http://hylang.org), but they're very different from Python. It would be interesting to see smaller variations of standard Python implemented in an interoperable way like these languages do.

[0] https://github.com/vindarel/languages-that-compile-to-python