What does HackerNews think of pkg?

Package your Node.js project into an executable

Language: JavaScript

#20 in Compiler
#30 in Node.js
> I'm assuming having to bundle all of Node.js/V8 in your executable is one of them

I guess you could expect Linux distros to come with Node (though it's probably a quite dated release). Looking at standalone binaries, both bun.sh and Node.js are about 30MB. In comparison, Python 3.10 is 9MB and starts slower than bun but faster than Node. Bundling is easy too, you can take a loot at vercel/pkg https://github.com/vercel/pkg

Not really, at last check it just bundles the entire .Net runtime with the compiled image. It's basically the equivalent of https://github.com/vercel/pkg or similar tools.
There is also Pkg from Vercel for those things. Happy user.

Package your Node.js project into an executable
