What does HackerNews think of vanilla?
Vanilla is a powerfully simple discussion forum you can easily customize to make as unique as your community.
There’s also Vanilla forums: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla
And the engine behind Lobste.rs: https://github.com/lobsters/lobsters
Not exactly sure what your requirements are but vanilla forums have a clean look, mobile friendly, and have pretty good customization.
(Not sure if the latest version supports digest emails though)
I’m a tech lead for Vanilla Forums (recently acquired by Higher Logic).
We have a few PHP positions open (remote or onsite). The core product is open source https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla
If your looking to stick with PHP you can check the open positions or reach out to my contact info in my profile. https://www.higherlogic.com/about/company/jobs/
https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla can be run in a “multi-tenant” setup. It is always done with separate databases and configs though.
Localhost setups are always multi-tenant, even if our infrastructure is more strongly isolated. In the end, if you can load different configurations for your app at runtime, and that configuration includes info about how to connect to your DB, cache, etc, then it’s pretty easy to do.
https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla-docker/blob/master/docs/v... this is an example of how we do the localhost setups, although I’d using separate DB credentials for any production site.