What does HackerNews think of source-sdk-2013?

The 2013 edition of the Source SDK

Language: C++

I had quite some pleasure working with the Source Engine gameplay code. (Some 10 years ago now)


It is not that the quality of the code is high, but just that it is well organized, and everything seems like it was written by a beginner. That makes it wonderfully easy to read and follow the logic.

Since have played around with the Source Engine, I follow the KISS principle with coding with high priority. Rarely trying to be clever, or try to over-do abstractions.

Might be totally wrong, but it's possible that MSVC++ programmers typically knowing 'C with classes' might come from the gaming world, as that's a fairly accurate description of some very popular game engines (Valve's Source engine[1] being the one I'm most familiar with, where e.g. std::string is unused in favor of char/wchar arrays).

[1] https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013 (originally released in 2004)

"The source for this new SDK release includes the latest code for all the included games, and has many new features:

The games now build and run clients on Windows, OSX, and Linux. Dedicated servers are supported on Windows and Linux.

Steam Pipe (the new Steam content delivery system) is supported by the sample mods. Existing mods can change their gameinfo.txt to match the new format and gain Steam Pipe support.

Support for Virtual Reality via the Oculus Rift has been added to the SDK. Running a compatible mod with -vr on the command line will run the mod in stereo and enable head tracking on the Rift."

Sourcecode: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013

Installation guide: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SDK_Installation