What does HackerNews think of ink?
π React for interactive command-line apps
Making this distinction between HTML
s and React shows a clear misunderstanding of the programming model that React provides. It targets the platform in a native way. This is how React DOM, React Native, and libraries like Ink[1] work.Speed rarely matters for imperative user-facing tools. You're going to be waiting for a user to type and respond far, far longer than making some system calls to write to the shell.
Ink is a more interesting and maintained library to consider though: https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink It lets you write react-like apps that output to the terminal instead of HTML.
[0] https://github.com/chjj/blessed
Repo is here: https://github.com/gdborton/those-cheeks
Built using ink: https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink
This is the one that most catches my attention.
Currently actively maintained plus it has something analagous to a document object model https://github.com/cronvel/terminal-kit/blob/master/doc/docu...
Also Ink is incredibly interesting as it enables ReactJS for creating TUI apps - mind bending!
I can imagine the things above being combined with a sandbox plus Fabrice Bellard's QuickJS https://bellard.org/quickjs/ into a new type of application ..... the "pure text mode browser".
A "pure text mode browser" would not be designed to render ordinary HTML web pages, but would instead be a minimal browser designed only for text mode.