What does HackerNews think of ink?

🌈 React for interactive command-line apps

Language: TypeScript

#1 in React
#23 in JavaScript
#5 in React
You get the comfort of using react components instead of fighting with HTML tables to make your emails look nice. I think it's awesome! It's analog to what ink[0] does with CLI outputs. Sure, you could write fancy CLI outputs in bash, but ink takes the pain out of it and makes it easy.

[0] https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink

Using the Web Platform and using React are not opposites, you can do both. See: Remix as a framework that bakes in these ideas, but using the platform is easily achievable yourself too.

Making this distinction between HTML

s and React shows a clear misunderstanding of the programming model that React provides. It targets the platform in a native way. This is how React DOM, React Native, and libraries like Ink[1] work.

[1] https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink

Interesting other library - React for the terminal. Allows you to build the UIs using familiar web techniques and even has react dev tools!


The most modern terminal GUI (as for 2021) would have to use React: https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink
The same single direction data flow/declarative render model as you’d use for DOM! The most prominent example is Ink: https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink
This and other JS CLI libraries are typically used by JS projects that have tooling. Like when create-react-app scaffolds a project and asks you questions to customize it, etc. it's using libraries like this one. For a JS project it's just an easy npm install away as a dependency, and you know your users will have nodejs anyways.

Speed rarely matters for imperative user-facing tools. You're going to be waiting for a user to type and respond far, far longer than making some system calls to write to the shell.

Ink is a more interesting and maintained library to consider though: https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink It lets you write react-like apps that output to the terminal instead of HTML.

There's `blessed` [0], a plain JS lib similar to `ncurses`. There's also `react-blessed` [1], which is a React renderer that targets `blessed` as the display layer, and `ink` [2], which is also a text-based React renderer but using its own display layer.

[0] https://github.com/chjj/blessed

[1] https://github.com/Yomguithereal/react-blessed

[2] https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink

Theres ink: a TUI in react, there are others I believe too. https://github.com/vadimdemedes/ink

This is the one that most catches my attention.

Currently actively maintained plus it has something analagous to a document object model https://github.com/cronvel/terminal-kit/blob/master/doc/docu...

Also Ink is incredibly interesting as it enables ReactJS for creating TUI apps - mind bending!


I can imagine the things above being combined with a sandbox plus Fabrice Bellard's QuickJS https://bellard.org/quickjs/ into a new type of application ..... the "pure text mode browser".

A "pure text mode browser" would not be designed to render ordinary HTML web pages, but would instead be a minimal browser designed only for text mode.