What does HackerNews think of uWebSockets?

Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications

Language: C++

#24 in HTTP
Just use uWebSockets.js[1] in node, and you'll leave Deno in the dust again. (uws is also what's under the hood in bun)


but the blog post says different.

> The client side has similar settings but does not need to set up multiple IP addresses, obviously

Also as I know, Linux will only use one IP for outbound connections, unless forcefully bind to another IP address in the code.

The server only uses only one port. 9001 according to the code. https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets.js/blob/875f16e1f...

This blog post does not make any sense.

Not exaclty -- it looks like it's pretty overkill for my needs

I'm looking for something more like websocketpp[0], or even just grpc without a requisite proxy. uWebsockets looks really promising, being header only, but in the fine print requires a runtime library. unfortunately, none of that ecosystem seems to use cmake, making integrating it that much more of a pain.

why use cpp for this, I'm sure some HNer will ask. the ray tracer itself is using cuda, that's why. I've also debated

- running it as a grpc server and having some proxy in a more web-accessible language

- creating python bindings and using python to make a websocket/http server for it

neither of those are out of the question, but they're not my first choices, because I'd like to keep the build & execution simple. introducing dependencies, especially other executables, is in conflict with that.

i don't need anything particularly scalable -- a threaded implementation, or one using select() would be fine, if not preferable.

[0] https://docs.websocketpp.org/

[1] https://github.com/uNetworking/uWebSockets