What does HackerNews think of ribbit?

A small and portable Scheme implementation with AOT and incremental compilers that fits in 4K. It supports closures, tail calls, first-class continuations and a REPL.

Language: Scheme


And https://piumarta.com/software/maru/

Are two good examples. Maru is interesting in that it can implement a full-fat language/os/vm/compiler in under 2kloc

Bluebottle is another barbecues and up OS: https://github.com/btreut/a2

> No dynamic memory allocation = no garbage collector, no non-deterministic allocation/deallocation, no write barriers, no out-of-memory possibilities, no fragmentation. For a surprisingly large class of programs, this is a great situation!

I know you know this already, but your statement is a little too broad. Those problems all still exist, but are greatly reduced. Data structures still need to be compacted, caches evicted, scratch space cleared, etc. It is just that one class of intractable issues gets removed when dynamic memory allocation goes away.

On a side note, have you seen this? https://github.com/udem-dlteam/ribbit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3r0cYRwrSs an extremely compact VM for a version of R4RS.

Paper is acm-walled but code repo is https://github.com/udem-dlteam/ribbit . I would like to have seen Hedgehog Lisp ( https://github.com/sbp/hedgehog ) in the comparison chart, since it has actually been used for practical projects. Its VM is around 20KB of object code. 4KB is impressively tiny, but any machine where 4k vs 20k makes a big difference is unlikely to have enough ram to run garbage collected applications. That seems to call more something more like Forth rather than Scheme.

Hedgehog is a somewhat weird functional dialect of Lisp and I've been wanting for a while to convert it to a Scheme subset (mostly just using Scheme syntax instead of defun, etc) so people would be more familiar with it.

Added: paper is here http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~feeley/papers/YvonFeeleyVMIL21....