What does HackerNews think of mate-hud?

Provides a way to run menubar commands through rofi, much like the Unity 7 Heads-Up Display (HUD).

Language: Python

Unity 7 HUD could search the menubar of any application. I was quite good at guessing the name of the function I wanted, far better than I was at finding it in menus. It looks like MATE, XFCE and i3 still have this.



Krunner is great (and similar to what you can do with the Gnome shell search or OS X spotlight), but it won't search the menu of your current application.

There are plenty of hints how to restore a Unity-like global menu feeling with Gnome, for instance https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/05/how-to-add-global-menu... -- you can also get a global menu in KDE Plasma, it's called "Application Menu Bar" and seems to be included by default. I neither tested both of them.

Here is a GIF of a similar function: https://149366088.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/201... -- the name of this tool seems to be Mate HUD, cf. https://github.com/ubuntu-mate/mate-hud