What does HackerNews think of TypeScriptToLua?
Typescript to lua transpiler. https://typescripttolua.github.io/
Luau may be an alternative as well, haven't tried it.
I love Lua, but at larger scales it's unmanageable.
Nim is used heavily in the gaming industry as a Lua replacement as well.
Lua is a good scripting language, but it doesn't have the ubiquity of JS (and Löve doesn't have the ubiquitous deployment of the modern browser). Also, Lua doesn't have a static type ecosystem (though there are interesting projects like TypescriptToLua [2] exploring that space, but you can from the name they are following/lagging the JS ecosystem here).
There probably is a need to package more browser games as "real" games and a lightweight Canvas-focused approach could find a nice like Löve, especially if it were easier, for instance, to maybe port to consoles for small/indie game teams than one of the web views or Electron. (Though certainly Microsoft already has a version of WebView2 running on the Xbox.)
[0]: https://github.com/leafo/moonscript