What does HackerNews think of TypeScriptToLua?

Typescript to lua transpiler. https://typescripttolua.github.io/

Language: TypeScript

#20 in Compiler
#93 in Hacktoberfest
#6 in Lua
#27 in TypeScript
I've had some success with https://github.com/TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua

Luau may be an alternative as well, haven't tried it.

I love Lua, but at larger scales it's unmanageable.

Nim is used heavily in the gaming industry as a Lua replacement as well.

One immediate comparison that springs to my mind is the Löve 2D engine [1], which is a tiny game engine written entirely around Lua scripting (so that Lua includes the full game run loop as well).

Lua is a good scripting language, but it doesn't have the ubiquity of JS (and Löve doesn't have the ubiquitous deployment of the modern browser). Also, Lua doesn't have a static type ecosystem (though there are interesting projects like TypescriptToLua [2] exploring that space, but you can from the name they are following/lagging the JS ecosystem here).

There probably is a need to package more browser games as "real" games and a lightweight Canvas-focused approach could find a nice like Löve, especially if it were easier, for instance, to maybe port to consoles for small/indie game teams than one of the web views or Electron. (Though certainly Microsoft already has a version of WebView2 running on the Xbox.)

[1] https://love2d.org/

[2] https://github.com/TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua

For those of you who don't like lua but love LOVE2D and want to try LOVR, you can code in typescript and use this[1] transpiler to turn it into lua. Someone already did LOVE2D type definitions, it shouldn't be to hard to make some for LOVR. [1]: https://github.com/TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua
One little-talked about advantage of Lua support is that you can now write your vim config/scripts in one of the various Lua transpilers like moonscript [0], or maybe even typescript [1]!

[0]: https://github.com/leafo/moonscript

[1]: https://github.com/TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua

[2]: https://github.com/hengestone/lua-languages

Löve2d is the best. I actually like to code for it in TypeScript and then use the https://github.com/TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua transpiler to spit out Lua code. Best of both worlds scenario IMHO. Once my Lua codebase hit 10k lines or so I found it very difficult to maintain. TS has really helped there while maintaining all the dynamism and fun of Lua.
Funnily enough the state of art in typed lua is typescript: https://github.com/TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua