What does HackerNews think of STC?
A modern, user friendly, generic, type-safe and fast C99 container library: String, Vector, Sorted and Unordered Map and Set, Deque, Forward List, Smart Pointers, Bitset and Random numbers.
This caught my eye the other day & looks quite promising, though I haven't spent much time looking at it so I can't comment on it's memory safety:
This is only the case, because the C standard library is quite small and has many bad parts. You can use something like STC [1] to even the playing field.
Maybe not it, but STC (https://github.com/tylov/STC) and CTL (https://github.com/glouw/ctl) both use this define method for creating data structures and linking up compare functions for them.
And this one may be even "better" :)