What does HackerNews think of erjang?

A JVM-based Erlang VM

Language: Java

Almost 10 years ago, i've tested erjang [1] using a medium sized application. Throughput was better than BEAM but latency was terrible.

[1] https://github.com/trifork/erjang/

You could, and in fact there has been Erlang implementations on top of the JVM[1][2], however you will never be able to get the same runtime characteristics of Erlang running on BEAM due to the fundamental differences in memory management: BEAM is first and foremost designed for reliability, predictability and soft real-time behaviour.

[1] https://github.com/trifork/erjang/ [2] https://github.com/jerlang/jerlang

Of interest might also be Erjang, Kresten Krab's port of BEAM to JVM. https://github.com/trifork/erjang

As I understand it, it is feature complete and actually runs Erlang pretty well. Could be interesting to see some benchmark testing.

There's a port of Erlang that runs on the JVM [1]. If you've got a lot of code in Erlang it could be beneficial. The language would the same, and you can choose VMs suited for a specific tasks. Or I'd like trying to use Elixir and Julia, probably over 0MQ or similar.

1: https://github.com/trifork/erjang

> is there anything stopping you from re-implementing the Erlang memory/GC-model on the JVM

Apparently not, never used it, but impressive: https://github.com/trifork/erjang

strmpnk beat me by 7 minutes, here's a link to the Erjang project: https://github.com/trifork/erjang

It's not really "BEAM on the JVM", it's actually a translator of BEAM compiled code to JVM bytecode. But the concept is similar, the target for Erlang is important, but so far a variety of things have been used. JAM was the original VM, later BEAM, later BEAM with HiPE. See [1] for some more information. There was also, apparently, an Erlang-to-Scheme translator. It'd be interesting (does this exist yet?) to see someone implement Erlang semantics in Racket.

[1] http://www.erlang.org/faq/implementations.html

You can already run Erlang code efficiently on the JVM: https://github.com/trifork/erjang
Scala runs on the JVM and I said Erlang running on Java (granted I meant JVM). I was refering to this: https://github.com/trifork/erjang