I'd love to see a curated awesome-list tagged github project "Awesome Small Web" to peruse.
Start a side-hustle & focus on technology that sparks joy, instead of WordPress which is inherently insecure because of PHP and most of the plugins add to the attack surface. WordPress can become very bloated very quickly too, the more bells and whistles you add to it, slowing sites down, and contributing to web obesity.
One good starting point is Github. There's a good list of repos/projects here: https://github.com/topics/awesome-list
Just dive in.
I feel like the notion of "Awesome Lists" (https://github.com/topics/awesome-list) were built for such a topic!
Seems to be of the "awesome list" variety [0]. Or is this specific to HNews?
Good insight, you might take it as your opportunity to curate a shorter or more detailed one, maybe as an https://github.com/topics/awesome-list