What does HackerNews think of wizard-engine?

Research WebAssembly Engine

Language: WebAssembly

#26 in Compiler
We're inspired by this project, linking for posterity: https://github.com/titzer/wizard-engine
Congrats to the Wasmtime team on the 1.0 release!

I'm happy to see that more runtimes are maturing and getting use on production cases... I can't wait to see and show what the future entails for WebAssembly on both the server side and the browser!

Keep up the good work. Also I'd like to use this message to congratulate other runtimes that I'm excited about (apart from Wasmer, of course!): Wizard Engine [1], Wazero [2] and Lunatic [3].

The future is bright in Wasm land :)

[1] https://github.com/titzer/wizard-engine

[2] https://github.com/tetratelabs/wazero

[3] https://github.com/lunatic-solutions/lunatic

I discovered this project when I was taking a look on Wizard, a fast and low-resource Wasm interpreter [1].

One of the things that excites me about Virgil is that is completely self-hosted (the runtime is fully implemented in Virgil, and it can compile itself).

Curiously enough, the person that created Virgil (programming language) and Wizard (Wasm runtime) was Ben L. Titzer, who worked on the V8 team at Google and co-created Wasm. I'm pretty excited with what he can bring to the table :)

Update: I'm trying to have virgil to self-compile into Wasm/WASI, and will try to upload it to WAPM [2] so everyone can use it easily (as the first compilation of v3c currently requires the JVM)... stay tuned!

[1]: https://github.com/titzer/wizard-engine

[2]: https://wapm.io/

Wizard: An advanced WebAssembly Engine for Research - https://github.com/titzer/wizard-engine