What does HackerNews think of nokolisp?
Lisp interpreter and compiler from 1977-1988 for MSDOS.
Common Lisp
My "compiler" was totally context-free and made in assembler. Which means that it compiles every instruction in complete vacuum and assumes stuff comes in AX and BX registers (with rest-pointer in CX, I think). And result in AX.
But this proved not to be a bad start at all. Once you understand the limitations of the "compiler", you can modify the macros accordingly. One of the feature of the compiler was that it assigned absolute memory places for variables, so you could stop wasting stack and do early assignments to temporary variables.
Unfortunately the source is quite incomprehensible now because of insane use of nested macros: https://github.com/timonoko/nokolisp
But the example given above works, no doubt about it:
> (setq test (ncompile '(cons 1 (cons 2 3))))
> (test)
(1 2 . 3)
"Sometimes I just look in mirror and spook myself". In 1983 I wrote modern high-level language interpreter and compiler with backtracking and throw-catches (clojures sortof) in MSDOS assembler and it is much shorter than this GW-Basic. Admittedly I used macros like a madman on steroids. https://github.com/timonoko/nokolisp
Most likely targeting his own Lisp implementation: