What does HackerNews think of rich?

Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.

Language: Python

#8 in Markdown
#79 in Python
#9 in Python
#25 in Terminal
I highly recommend checking out rich to replace stackprinter and tqdm from the article (and do a lot more)


Both are python libraries written by Will McGugan, designed to bring stylized text formatting to terminals and consoles.


My book Data Science at the Command Line has a chapter about this that scratches the surface and lists some resources in case you want to dive deeper [1]. I can also recommend checking out packages such as Rich [2] and Click [3], if only to get an idea of the possibilities when it comes to creating command-line tools with Python.

[1] https://datascienceatthecommandline.com/2e/chapter-4-creatin...

[2] https://github.com/Textualize/rich

[3] https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.1.x/

We simply have a different perspective on this. You see a TUI and have experience in the "Bronze Age" of the Internet in which browsers were not so stable across platforms/etc. and think that this more or less just doesn't work. I suspect peoples' experiences using it for a while now won't sway you; you are more than welcome to assume everything works only on one computer and is reliably broken elsewhere. I don't care what you choose to build your company with but I personally find this attitude towards new tools toxic and paralyzing. Hence my attempt at engaging to learn more.

From my perspective, I've used Rich in one of the very few contexts that practically matter (a terminal on macOS) and had a good experience. Will M. has been developing it in the open for a couple of years now and it's nearing critical mass in some parts of the Python ecosystem. If it was a diaper turned into a Molotov cocktail, it simply wouldn't the adoption it has so far. It probably runs fine on the three major operating systems of today, which is pretty much what a TUI needs to do. I have no idea if it runs smoothly on a Commodore 64 and to be honest I don't really care.

> Perhaps you'll be able to point me to what I missed.

You could have a look at Rich itself, which is what Textualize uses: https://github.com/Textualize/rich. I don't build UIs but the number of files/LOC gives me a bit more confidence that my personal experience wasn't a fluke.

> If this were a pure open source project,

What's a "pure" open source project in your view? You can review the licenses of the projects yourself and determine if MIT is "pure" open source, or see what the company says about their plans with the project: https://www.textualize.io/what-we-do

> Rich, Textual, and many of our future projects will continue to be built in public, with an Open-source license.

The same was as you display in Jupyter. Just exectue the cell with your data frame variable.

The alternative might be to use rich package (https://github.com/Textualize/rich) but I don't have a tutorial yet.