What does HackerNews think of awesome-deep-learning-papers?

The most cited deep learning papers

Language: TeX

#23 in Deep learning
Maybe one of the various Github "Awesome XYZ" lists that exists out there.



You might also track down the website for a DL class from a reputable university and mine the syllabus for a list of assigned readings. Do that for two or three such instances and you could probably come up with a pretty solid list.

Or may just ask Carmack to share the list he was referring to? Does anybody know if he responds to Tweets / Twitter DM's, etc?


Also, check out https://paperswithcode.com/


Also, not reading, but.. Andrej Karpathy has a Youtube channel now and has been putting up some videos on ML topics. Might be of interest?


It would be nice if there was a readme for this repository. Like these AI and speaker recognition examples [1],[2].

[1] https://github.com/wq2012/awesome-diarization

[2] https://github.com/terryum/awesome-deep-learning-papers

I've been spending my free time getting myself familiar with ML and personally I'm focused on resharpening my math skills, reading papers from the "awesome deep learning papers" repo [1], playing with TensorFlow, and reading the Neural Networks and Deep Learning book [2]. I did my undergrad degree in math, so a lot of the math is just review for me, but ML seems to get fairly math heavy pretty quick. I would suggest anyone looking at ML to spend a good amount of time going through the backing math in addition to the CS parts, otherwise you might not develop much intuition for what's going on.

[1] https://github.com/terryum/awesome-deep-learning-papers

[2] http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/