What does HackerNews think of bish?

Bish is a language that compiles to Bash. It's designed to give shell scripting a more comfortable and modern feel.

Language: C++

I'd love to see a little language which compiles to _readable_ bash. Could it be so hard? There's a dead project that comes up now and then called bish.


Oh people have tried - here are a few https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10239235/are-there-any-l...

I vaguely remember quite liking bish when I saw it years ago https://github.com/tdenniston/bish but it looks like no commits in 6 years.

This shelljs thing looks more promising, but really tedious to use https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs - shell.rm('-rf', 'out/Release'); I'd rather suffer proper bash than have to do that sort of thing.

Nothing seems to have really caught on so far. Bash is easy to learn and hack on, and before you know it, that simple install.sh that started out moving a few files around is 5000 lines, unmaintainable, and critical to bootstrapping your software :)

A while ago I wrote a tiny language (called bish) that was an attempt at finding a middle ground for this problem. Essentially, you write your shell scripts in bish, with sane syntax and semantics (example: function return values, which are not really present in bash). The bish compiler then compiles your script to bash.

I haven't touched it in a few years now, but maybe it's of interest to someone: https://github.com/tdenniston/bish

I'm never sure when these plugs become too much, but...

I created a language called bish that allows you to write your shell scripts in a sane and comfortable syntax. No more remembering which one of those conditionals to use! Bish compiles to bash, so you also get to keep all of the portability that comes with bash scripts. I haven't had much time to work on it recently, and it's still missing some features, but it's ready to use now:


Shameless plug for my language "bish" (compiles to bash) which aims to solve many of these annoyances with shell scripting: https://github.com/tdenniston/bish
I see a lot of discussion on the awkwardness and idiosyncrasies of shells like bash.... So this is a great time for a shameless plug! Last week I released a language called 'bish' (https://github.com/tdenniston/bish) which compiles to bash, but has none of the same syntactical weirdness. So the idea is: write and maintain your script in bish, but compile to bash and ship the bash version.

Here (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9166386) is the previous discussion from last week.

This is quite apropos, as just last week I released a little language called 'bish' designed to overcome exactly this issue. It compiles to bash for portability, but has more modern and familiar syntax.

See https://github.com/tdenniston/bish for the repo and https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9166386 for some previous discussion.

The language is still brand new and under active development. It's not stable yet.