What does HackerNews think of proposal-pipeline-operator?

A proposal for adding a useful pipe operator to JavaScript.

Language: HTML

#61 in JavaScript
Thing is: you don't read it easily. It's basically a custom DSL bolted on top of Javascript that hides actual functionality beneath an Everest of abstractions.

That is, it's a yet another library trying to force Haskell/Haskellisms into Javascript and claiming with no proof other than emotions that it's so much better and more readable than something.

Here's an actual readable version of that:

      return getTurnPromptMessages(state, action)
    } catch (e) {
It can be further simplified. For example, you don't need two separate functions to extract the first chat completion message etc.

This version:

- uses existing language constructs

- can be immediately understood even by the most junior devs

- is likely to be 1000 times faster

- does not rely on an external dependency that currently has 143 issues and every two weeks releases a new version adding dozens of new methods to things

Note: one thing I do wish Javascript adopted is pipes: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator

There is a js proposal to add this to language: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator

There are few exceptions (namespaces, enums) but typescript has been quite averse to adding non-standard language level features outside type annotations. This feature will likely come to ts after this proposal has been accepted for js.

It feels weird that the CSS WG does a popular vote for a different syntax implementing the same feature, something that an expert opinion should weigh way more then popular demand. But at the same time TC39 picked an archaic version of the pipeline operator (|> https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator) despite a clear demand from the community to pick a functional one.

Perhaps the two committees should learn a bit from each other.

The pipeline operator [1] is a bit further along, although I'm not exactly holding my breath for it either. At least it currently has a champion. With pipelines

    import { map, takeWhile, forEach } from "iterlib";

        |> map(%, x => x.character())
        |> takeWhile(%, x => x.strength > 100)
        |> forEach(%, x => console.log(x));
1: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator
This is common in the functional paradigm, although syntax and semantics varies in sometimes important ways among languages.

There's a long-standing TC39 proposal to add it to JS. It's interesting to read it to see examples of the aforementioned differences.
