What does HackerNews think of wry?

Cross-platform WebView library in Rust for Tauri.

Language: Rust

Check out https://tauri.app/ - specifically, https://github.com/tauri-apps/wry, which provides a cross-platform interface to the system's WebView.

This rocks, especially with some IPC between the "native" things like filesystem + TCP sockets -> JavaScript "bridge".

Tauri uses Wry[1], so it should actually be using the webview that comes with your OS. FWIW, every Electron app includes its own copy of Chromium, so that's even worse from this perspective.

[1] https://github.com/tauri-apps/wry

(edited to fix that Tauri uses Wry and not Webview)

Projects like Tauri use libraries like Wry[1], though. Getting Wry fixed to use the new API shouldn't be any more difficult than the work you need to do, right? And that work is then shared by everyone using the project.

[1]: https://github.com/tauri-apps/wry

Edit to correct that Tauri uses Wry and not Webview.

Well, Tauri (or more specifically the 'ri' part: https://github.com/tauri-apps/wry/) uses different engines on different platforms, so I assume there's the potential for quirks.
Came here to say this. It's a site designed for idiots not engineers. How does rendering work? Can't even tell if it's HTML based or some hipster immediate UI toolkit nobody's heard of. What do I need to give up to get a 640kb binary? etc etc.

Answering my own question, https://github.com/tauri-apps/wry , so looks like it loses one of the advantages of Electron in that you control the exact browser in use. Maybe that's incorrect. Who knows? Web site appears to not exist to provide such important details.

https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/blob/dev/ARCHITECTURE.md could lose a few thousand words, but this seems to be the real starting off point

They use whatever is the system WebView on the platform you run the code on. On Windows that's the Edge engine, on MacOS it's Safari's engine, etc. Those are all some combination of C and C++.

See https://github.com/tauri-apps/wry

Edit: s/IE or Edge/Edge

We didn't take over control, rather we helped setup an independent org around webview and other related repos. At the time, the original author of webview expressed plans to work on it a lot. However, this didn't really happen. Webview is stuck with some nasty bugs and missing features, and none of the members of the Tauri team had enough C experience to fix it efficiently. Instead, we created our own pure Rust solution (https://github.com/tauri-apps/wry). We've already given it way more features than the original webview project, and it doesn't carry the bugs that plagued webview either. The next release of Tauri (about a month or so out) will use Wry, and will have features such as multi-window and fancy window styling (frameless, fullscreen, custom controls, etc...).