What does HackerNews think of modern-font-stacks?

System font stack CSS organized by typeface classification for every modern operating system

Language: HTML

#9 in CSS
#9 in Font
Doesn't show install base, but the GitHub page shows which OS has which font https://github.com/system-fonts/modern-font-stacks
https://github.com/system-fonts/modern-font-stacks explains each stack and which fonts are expected to be used where, with screenshots. This information makes it (mildly bizarrely, and quite disappointingly) generally more useful than https://modernfontstacks.com/.


A few remarks (not all that I could make, but I should sleep).

System UI: risky, it’s a trap, there’s basically no legitimate scenario for these semantics on the public web. See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3658 (skim through a bit, I’ve got a comment near the end too).

Monospace Slab Serif: every one of the fonts named here is a bad font:

(a) Nimbus Mono PS mangles things like the two-column `fi`, ligating them to a single-column `fi`. See https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/urw-base35-fonts/issues/3....

(b) Courier New is unreasonably thin due to bad digitisation techniques which used to be worked around by hinting and ClearType special-casing, but it’s common for neither of those to work to make it tolerable any more. Its 400 weight is more like a 250 (if even that), and painful to read in many common configurations. Never use it.

(c) Cutive Mono apparently copied Courier New’s known-awful thinness!? What were they thinking?

Monospace Code: seriously, just go `monospace, monospace` these days. Firefox 98 on Windows was the last browser where this wasn’t at the very least perfectly adequate. (The doubling is to work around the stupid probably-13px font size misfeature that I’d like to try to convince browser makers to ditch, but haven’t tried yet.)

> Emoji Support

Does adding these fonts to the end of the stack actually achieve anything useful? I don’t recall these being necessary or useful. (I vaguely recall some sort of priority issue related to text/graphical representations, but that was quite a few years back and I’d expect it to have been dealt with now, though it’s possible some U+FE0F might be needed if you omit this?—though frankly that’d be needed anyway for universal support. Anyway, I’d like concrete explanation of what this stuff does, if anything.)

> Anti-Aliasing

If I recall correctly, these tweaks are largely Apple-specific, grossly misleading in name, highly controversial, and probably a waste of time. I invite correction or further education, because I haven’t thought about them for maybe a decade and don’t use a platform where they do anything.


This is much better-thought out than most sets of suggestions, but I’d honestly still suggest dropping nuance in most cases, and just using `serif`, `sans-serif` or `monospace, monospace`. But if you want a certain general sort of character, this is pretty good stuff. I’ve definitely done `font-family: Georgia, serif` where I wanted to express a preference for a wider sort of serif, and I’d do it again¹.


¹ Even if I personally will get my own chosen serif font, since I’ve unticked Firefox’s Settings → Fonts → Advanced → Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above. Try it yourself, you might be pleasantly surprised at how much the consistency improves the web, like I was. You might also develop a still-deeper hatred of non-zero letter-spacing on body text, which is absurdly common for something that has absolutely no legitimate use case in English text.

The github page has screen grabs of all the fonts in each stack: https://github.com/system-fonts/modern-font-stacks