What does HackerNews think of electron-alternatives?

Few Cross platform desktop GUI App development options are listed here

#21 in Electron
#3 in PWA
There is also an interesting solution to this problem: use native WebView, so you don't have to pack the whole Chrome with your app. Basically every "electron alternative" with HTML+CSS+JS works this way.


There are several options, each with their own pros and cons.

Qt [1]

The main codebase is C++, but bindings are available for Python and several other languages. I have developed and shipped multiple cross-platorm applications using Qt, using both C++ and Python. Documentation and source code examples are readily available.

JUCE [2]

Another C++ framework, with Python bindings. The focus is on music and audio apps, but a cross-platform GUI framework is also part of the library.

Blazor Desktop [3]

I have developed C# web applications using Blazor and WASM and moved them to the desktop easily. Using C# and the Dotnet ecosystem is really interesing and worth looking at.

Flutter for Desktop [4]

Still in beta, but has the support of Google, for better or worse.

JavaFX [5]

A Java cross-platform still under active development. I think it is pretty nice if you like Java.

Red [6]

Let's add an outsider just to keep things interesting!

This github site seems somewhat current about other Electron alternatives as well. [7]

Good luck! You will find there are lots of alternatives out there.

[1] https://www.qt.io/

[2] https://juce.com/

[3] https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2021/02 /17/net-6-preview-1.aspx

[4] https://flutter.dev/desktop

[5] https://openjfx.io/

[6] https://www.red-lang.org/p/about.html

[7] https://github.com/sudhakar3697/electron-alternatives