What does HackerNews think of StreetComplete?
Easy to use OpenStreetMap editor for Android
And by far the easiest way to do this, if you have an Android phone, is to use the beautiful StreetComplete app: https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete/#readme
> The user's answer is automatically processed and uploaded directly into the OSM database.
Of course uploading a few months of changes all at once is going to cause issues, naturally some will conflict with other changes that have been made in the meantime.
For me it isn't down, just taking a very long time (multiple minutes) to load the 2012 data.
One of my biggest motivating factors is that I'm nearly trapped in google search for things that involve local search and wanting to see a map, distance to drive, x,y or z in my area.
I've also just recently stumbled onto the https://osmand.net/blog/osmand-android-4-1-released/ ability to load into my car so that's neat.
This can be done with StreetComplete (Android app) - long press on map to create note, photo can be added.
> Same with restaurant opening hours. Or various POIs.
You can also outright survey this with StreetComplete. See https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete
Note: speed limit needs to be enabled, it is disabled by default. It is also unavailable in USA due to horrific default speed limit system which requires massive work to support.
Disclaimer: I am one of people working on StreetComplete
> I'm not sure I like OSMs obsession with the data model.
Given effort that went into various parts - fundamental data model has not received any changes for a long time. I would not describe it as obsession.
> I guess this has to do with its business model
OSM do not really have business model, it is not a business
The UX is good enough that my five year old can use it (with a little help to read the rarer, worried quests).
Seriously, check it out. It took contributing to OSM from "painful thing I do occasionally from a sense of duty" to "fun hobby I look forward to doing and sharing with my kids."
repository: https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete
Check out StreetComplete -- I find it a great way to give walks a little more purpose.