What does HackerNews think of liballocs?

Meta-level run-time services for Unix processes... a.k.a. dragging Unix into the 1980s

Language: C

> changing data structures

liballocs is an approach for providing high-level facilities such as changing structure layout to a a low-level Unix environment.


In case anyone is interested in the actual system that Kell talks about, liballocs, it is still being developed eight years later and is on github at:


Thanks for the link - that looks really interesting! I will have to give it a try to make some informed statement, but I think it's definitely worth looking at. Some parts of Ruby also seem to be inspired by Smalltalk, so that might be a good fit. There's also a Smalltalk-80 VM by Rochus Keller based on the Lua JIT compiler [8] (and a very nice Qt-based Smalltalk browser), that might also go in the same direction.

In general, I think there are two major interesting aspects in systems like the Ruby system browser and Smalltalk. On the one hand one can discover the system - you can dig into the implementation without using a disassembler or reverse engineering - and on the other hand it is possible to change the system behavior at runtime (though this is, of course, dangerous).

I would love to see at least the discoverability aspect to be more pervasive in standard operating systems. There are already partial approaches to this, such as DTrace/systemtap and the proc filesystem, but having discoverability as a first class concept - which might fit well to Plan 9's (and to some extent Unix's) "everything is a file" approach - would be nice.

The ability to change the system at runtime is also fascinating. I already mentioned the research of Stephen Kell in another comment [1] and there's a great video of one of his talks [2] in which he shows his approach to dynamically alter a program's behavior on Unix using shared library mechanisms (you can find the code on github [3]). I worked on related ideas in my PhD thesis 15 years ago, maybe it's time to dig these out again ;-).

However, these dynamic modifications should also be safe and accessible. I'm thinking of something related to AppleScript here, which allows to automate/scripts an amazingly large number of functions on OS X. Combining this with a browser that enables a user to discover the accessible OS functionality seems to be a good idea.

The persistent image ideas might also be useful again in the context of persistent main memory systems, which are becoming available now, e.g. with Intel Crosspoint [6]. There's so much prior work in persistent object systems also on the OS side that is almost forgotten nowadays, such as the Eumel/L3 system by Jochen Liedtke [4] (the inventor of the L4 microkernel) and the BirliX OS [5]. Sounds like a good time to re-evaluate these 1980's-era approaches.

I see some more recent work, such as Ksplice [7], as interesting related technology. What is really missing is an integration of many of these ideas into a consistent system.

  [1] https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/srk21/
  [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwicN2u6Dro
  [3] https://github.com/stephenrkell/liballocs
  [4] Jochen Liedtke, A Persistent System in Real Use - Experiences of the First 13 Years, Third International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems 1993 - http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
  [5] W. E. Kühnhauser, H. Härtig, O. C. Kowalski, W. Lux, Mechanisms for Persistence and Security in BirliX, International Workshop on Computer Architectures to Support Security and Persistence of Information 1990, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4471-3178-6_22
  [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_XPoint
  [7] Arnold, Jeff and Kaashoek, M. Frans, Ksplice: Automatic Rebootless Kernel Updates, EuroSys 2009 - https://ksplice.oracle.com/doc/ksplice.pdf
tl;dr this is a two page description of Stephen Kell's liballocs library [0]. Basically, it's wasteful to install jvm, python interpreter, and electron. He's advocating that new languages use (u)nix infrastructure (processes, files, etc) as much as possible. His library is supposed to assist with this by providing process level gc. It provides a hierarchal view such that a caller allocates objects, rather than flat memory.

I don't know enough to have an opinion on this. As an alterntative view, consider listening to Cliff Click describe the challenge the jvm faced when it had a more permissive ffi [1].

[0] https://github.com/stephenrkell/liballocs

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoyBTqkSkZk

GitHub repository: https://github.com/stephenrkell/liballocs

I read the paper imagining a kind of COM implementation (apartments/marshalling/...)? But the Github readme makes it seem more like a kind of tagged malloc wrapper.