What does HackerNews think of hck?

A sharp cut(1) clone.

Language: Rust

#113 in Rust
Check out https://github.com/sstadick/hck and https://github.com/theryangeary/choose - both are alternatives for cut/awk and allows regex based split as well. Though, they don't remove starting/ending whitespaces IIRC.

I wrote a script (https://github.com/learnbyexample/regexp-cut) that uses `awk` to provide a `cut`-like tool with regex-based split, negative index, etc. And this will take care of starting/ending whitespaces as that's the default `awk` behavior.

Nice, especially the format output.

See also:

* hck (https://github.com/sstadick/hck) - close to drop in replacement for cut that can use a regex delimiter instead of a fixed string

* rcut (https://github.com/learnbyexample/regexp-cut) - my own bash+awk script, supports regexp delimiters, field reordering, negative indexing, etc

It's also very similar to my tool hck (https://github.com/sstadick/hck) which is in turn similar to choose, just faster, supports compression, and supports column selection via matching headers.