What does HackerNews think of marcan?

I just sponsor marcan on GitHub here: https://github.com/sponsors/marcan but there might be better ways. Not sure about touchpad support.
I personally sponsor:

Hector Martin: https://github.com/sponsors/marcan Apple M1 silicon RE & Linux port

Ryan C. Gordon: https://github.com/sponsors/icculus SDL lib maintainer

They make awesome work and look like decent human beings.

Absolutely amazing progress, I might even give it an install once the USB drivers mentioned at the end are working.

https://www.patreon.com/marcan/ https://github.com/sponsors/marcan

You can also sponsor him on GitHub: https://github.com/sponsors/marcan

(Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think more of the money makes it to him through a GitHub sponsorship.)

I also have GitHub Sponsors!


I want people to pick whatever platform they are comfortable with, and Patreon is very popular, so I offer both. But yes, in principle GitHub sponsors should have lower overhead (I'll have to wait until I get income from both to see exactly how it works out after the intermediaries involved).