What does HackerNews think of FlyingCarpet?

File transfer between Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows over ad hoc WiFi. No network infrastructure required, just two devices with WiFi chips in close range.

Language: Rust

#41 in Android
#25 in iOS
#111 in Linux
#83 in macOS
#113 in Rust
#51 in Windows
Related projects:

- FlyingCarpet: direct transfer over local adhoc WIFI: https://github.com/spieglt/FlyingCarpet

- LANDrop: Drop any files to any devices on your LAN: https://github.com/LANDrop/LANDrop

- Snapdrop: In-browser file transfer similar to Airdrop: https://snapdrop.net/

- Magic Wormhole: simple file transfer from computer-to-computer over the net: https://github.com/magic-wormhole/magic-wormhole

- Croc: similar to magic wormhole: https://github.com/schollz/croc

- Wormhole: user-friendly in-browser based e2e encrypted file transfer: https://wormhole.app/

Here's an alternative to AirDrop! https://github.com/spieglt/FlyingCarpet Linux, Mac, and Windows, requires no network, just two laptops with wireless cards.
It's wonderful just like SnapDrop and I recently found another one: https://github.com/spieglt/FlyingCarpet

I love the "Air Drop" feature from apple and I'm very happy we can do this on linux now without the need to explain someone how to open a socket in the terminal ;-P