What does HackerNews think of go-web-framework-benchmark?

:zap: Go web framework benchmark

Language: Go

Serving a social network is not the case where you'd want just one server. Mainly due to reliability concerns, spikes in traffic and different patterns at different times.

But if you like the idea of ignoring best practices, there are EC2 instances with 192 vCPUs that go for several thousands an hour. And taking as example Golang benchmarks https://github.com/smallnest/go-web-framework-benchmark where it's not uncommon to be able to serve 6 digits of 30ms requests per second with just 4 cores. Then the conclusion is, the limit is the sky, if you are stubborn enough.

Express is a slowest solution on the market. Fastify can handle as much as 60k (!) requests per second per core(!): https://www.fastify.io/benchmarks/

For example, go can handle about the same amounts (be advised that this tests are for 4 cores, so results have to be divided): https://github.com/smallnest/go-web-framework-benchmark