What does HackerNews think of slint?

Slint is a toolkit to efficiently develop fluid graphical user interfaces for any display: embedded devices and desktop applications. We support multiple programming languages, such as Rust, C++ or JavaScript.

Language: Rust

#30 in C++
#113 in Rust
The language I designed for Slint [https://github.com/slint-ui/slint] uses kebab-case, so it mandates spaces around the minus sign. (If the lookup for `foo-bar` fails, it tries with `foo` and if that succeeds, the error message suggest the use of spaces)
> Many existing projects used lower level libraries such as Python Imaging Library, but I opted for HTML and CSS. The development is fast when you can edit the HTML and immediately see the result without rendering a raster image after each iteration.

I'd like link to Slint [https://github.com/slint-ui/slint] It has a live preview mode so you can iterate fast on the UI, and it is much more lightweight than HTML, so you could even run it bare metal on a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040)

There is also Slint: https://github.com/slint-ui/slint which is written entirely in rust. The UI is fairly similar to Qml. And you can have the logic in Rust or in C++.