What does HackerNews think of Signal-Desktop?

A private messenger for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Language: TypeScript

What this is is also another reason not to use Snap.

This is a multi-level failure.

1. Signal-Desktop is AGPLv3: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop

2. The snap package metadata is AGPLv3: https://github.com/snapcrafters/signal-desktop

So, this looks like a fraudulent DMCA claim by Signal, as the snap package maintainers and Canonicial have an open source license! This shows malice by Signal.

3. No-one from Canonical contacted the package maintainer(s) about the DMCA, so they have no opportunity to counterclaim or defend.

This is an open sign Snap should not be used. Because utterly unjustified DMCA claims will result in the removal of a package without any way to contest. This is compounded by Canoncial's controlling methodology with Snap where it is ostensibly open-source but Canonical controls what is permitted with snap through a closed-source server.

Signal desktop (https://signal.org/) supports screen sharing and does not have a time limit for calls: https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/360007060492-Vo...

It's also open source: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop

Jitsu Meet (https://meet.jit.si/ with reviews elsewhere in this thread) is also great and has a web interface if you'd prefer not to install anything.

It's not, it's an Electron-based app (not bad by default). Even says so on their Github page: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop

Unless you're using a non-official version?