I’ve been using spinneret + htmx + lass[1] + parenscript (as needed) + hunchentoot for various interactive applications for a while. I don’t have a ton to show, but it’s a nice quick way to quickly produce one-off apps. And, with htmx’s websocket capabilities, you can use the browser as a sort of repl sidecar for visualizing things (together with something that generates svg)
There was a great comment about LispWorks over on the reddit discussion, linked here[0]. I really need to give it a shot at some point, especially as someone doing CL professionally.
I know that Lisp is popular on HN but that it's mostly a kind of zoo like experience where the proper devs come here to gawk at us but I really cannot recommend it enough for any kind of work. We use it for stock market analysis but almost every piece of code we write is CL. I'm currently trying to convince people to switch over our CSS over to LASS[1].
0: https://www.reddit.com/r/Common_Lisp/comments/11979q4/commen...
There is also LASS[1] for Common Lisp. You use it either as a library for generating CSS, or as a standalone preprocessor.