What does HackerNews think of rush?

A cross-platform command-line tool for executing jobs in parallel

Language: Go

#76 in Go
#38 in Shell
#51 in Windows
I much prefer rush over parallel. Namely that everything is executed as a bash shell.


If anyone needs a pretty basic alternative with Windows support, there's Rush:


I use it pretty extensively with ffmpeg, imagemagick and the like.

I'd been using the mmstick/parallel for a while, but it moved to RedoxOS repos and then stopped being updated, while still having some issues not ironed out.


I'm not writing rust yet, but I'm using a couple of tools written in rust, and based on my experience with it, when I need a utility I seek out one that's written in rust.

I'm using https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep which is rg, like ack or ag (TheSilverSearcher). I've been using it for a few months, and I like it just a little bit more than ag, because I find its help and interface a bit easier to use. Like ag, it's incredibly fast.

Just this week I started using https://github.com/watchexec/watchexec to run rsync to sync from my mac to my vagrant box, because I was switching from using neovim on vagrant to using Visual Studio Code. It works great and has a very nice command-line UI.

Another tool that's written in go that I thought maybe was written in rust that's handy is https://github.com/shenwei356/rush which runs multiple commands in parallel, like xargs. I'm using it to transfer images between folders on s3 using aws-cli.

Based on this, and Servo, which is unstoppable with its Doge logo, I think Rust is going to be a very widely used language. https://github.com/servo

Edit: I remember part of why I liked rg more than ag - I got to use cargo rather than go, which is a much more intuitive and less opinionated way of downloading libraries than using the go cli. go is coming around though: https://blog.golang.org/modules2019