What does HackerNews think of shellinabox?

Official-ish Fork of Shell In A Box

Language: C

In a similar vain I've used https://github.com/shellinabox/shellinabox (present in the standard Debian repo) to give easy access to a few commands to relevant people at work who don't like my preferred method for such temporary/intermittent needs (a collection of ssh/sudo/similar based wrappers sometimes hooked together using byubo/parallel-ssh/watch to produce a hacked-together dashboard like display). Mostly read-only stuff (the fully interactive use is possible), even then nothing really sensitive (mostly status information), and local access only (I wouldn't trust something like this on a public network, no matter how careful I thought I was being with the setup), but that is useful enough. For a quick dashboard view, throw together a quick page that links a couple of instances in iframes.
Nice find! Thanks. I have some other tools for being productive from "constrained" environments. I'm running ttyd [1] exposed trough nginx (to deal with auth and ssl) which gives me a terminal in the browser (using xtermjs). It's pretty good. Another option I used before was shellinabox [2] (also trough nginx). Terminal emulation is not the greatest. For GUI access i use NoVNC (exposed trough nginx) and have a systemd unit starting vncserver session.

[1] https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd [2] https://github.com/shellinabox/shellinabox [3] https://github.com/novnc/noVNC

Probably not shellinabox, but this is one tool you may be interested in, if you want to provide shell interface to CLI programs on the web. https://github.com/shellinabox/shellinabox
A different animal (no pun intended) but this project also provides the ability to render a web-based shell if that's your primary use for this http://pigshell.com/v/0.6.4/

There's also this https://github.com/shellinabox/shellinabox and this http://www.web-console.org/