What does HackerNews think of extraterm?

The swiss army chainsaw of terminal emulators

Language: TypeScript

#85 in JavaScript
#39 in Terminal
#43 in TypeScript
My choices are as follows.

* Linux:

# Tilix - probably the best option in terms of performance, customization, looks and features.


# Extraterm - in my experience the best electron-based terminal emulator in terms of performance. It has some neat features too. I catch myself using it more often than Tilix.


* Windows:

# CMDer - pretty much the only option. Has everything one needs, even built in bash on Windows. Useful on Windows 7 PCs at work that don't have WSL or admin rights to install more stuff.


* MacOS

# Plain old built in terminal is actually nice ;)

# Extraterm is alright too, but it's electron based and the old mac-mini does not really like it.

# iTerm 2 - never got around to fully configuring it, but everyone swears by it.


I'm working on a new terminal which takes a few cues from iTerm2 and also adds other unique features. It is not up to production level quality like iTerm2 but you are more than welcome to try it out.

Extraterm -> https://github.com/sedwards2009/extraterm

The visual tour page explains some of the ideas present. https://github.com/sedwards2009/extraterm/blob/master/docs/t...

I'm busy exploring some of these ideas in my little project Extraterm https://github.com/sedwards2009/extraterm .

This little gif demonstrates what it can do now: https://github.com/sedwards2009/extraterm/raw/master/docs/ed...

Some more demos of its features are here: https://github.com/sedwards2009/extraterm/blob/master/docs/t...

It is still early days for Extraterm although I use it myself daily (mostly on Windows and Linux). It too is built on Electron. It makes it possible to try out ideas relatively quickly and grants access to a megaton of 3rd party libraries and tools.

> Another would be: the ability to manipulate streams (or whatever you'd like to call the content that flows through pipes). As in, replay a stream into some new process without re-executing the original.

My terminal (https://github.com/sedwards2009/extraterm) can more or less do that now:


> Another would be to fold terminal output.

I did have something like that, but had to disable it. That feature will make a reappearance sometime as I want it for things like automatically collapsing command (e.g. compiler) output if terminals successfully. I only need to see the output of failed builds, for example.

There are several projects working on this!

The biggest is Black Screen, but I've also got one and seen some others.

- https://github.com/shockone/black-screen - https://github.com/CGamesPlay/hterminal - https://github.com/sedwards2009/extraterm